👋 🙃 Hello from my home yoga studio!

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About Me

My name is Vanessa. I am passionate about yoga as a lifestyle, embodying its teachings and philosophy both “on and off” the mat. This includes moral observances, physical disciplines, and mental disciplines.

Yoga postures (“asanas”) are not merely gymnastic exercises, but rather a means to tone the body AND train the mind. They help our physique become strong, elastic, and balanced. When we are unwell physically or emotionally, we adapt how we perform the asanas so they can help us heal. A steady and pleasant physical posture has a reciprocal effect on the mind, reducing fatigue and soothing the nerves.

I enjoy sharing the gift of yoga with others one lesson at a time. I offer private yoga lessons online and/or in your home - for individuals, couples, and small groups of friends. I teach in-person group classes around King County Washington - primarily Kirkland, Sammamish, and Woodinville.

About My Home Studio

First, let’s talk tools (yoga props)! This is a picture of my yoga tools collection. In this style of yoga, we use props to access poses we could not otherwise. It’s especially important to find healthful alignment when performing a new pose, so we set our muscle memory in good order from the start!

You can see a pair of backless folding chairs, bolsters, blocks and pads of various weights and thicknesses, belts, and even a wooden dowel.

For your personal practice, a mat or blanket, a place to put it, and determination are all you need to get started. Practice near a wall, so you can focus on the body without the balancing aspect at first and learn to truly be straight. Then acquire a good pair of cork or wood blocks and a strap.

About My Personal Yoga Practice

I have been practicing yoga since 2013, originally learning from a book and an app on my phone. This progressed to attending studio classes on a routine basis for several years, learning in various styles of yoga - flowing classes, yin and restorative, slower classes with longer holds in postures.

I benefited greatly from these classes, but wanted to deepen my learning. It felt kind of like cooking from one of those “home meal delivery” websites - where the recipes, ingredients, and instruction were delivered to you. But I couldn’t just make whatever “food” I wanted on my own. So I set out on an adventure, trying yoga at studios all across Seattle in search of somewhere I could study at a deeper level. This led me to Iyengar Yoga - a tradition that incorporates meticulous alignment of the postures and teaches them in a progressive way so that *everyone* can participate safely and improve their health.

I embarked on an intensive training program and became a registered yoga teacher in 2020. I continue to develop my personal practice, and study weekly with my beloved mentor Anna, who has been teaching yoga for the past 40 years. I treasure her dearly!

II.29 Light on Yoga Sutras - BKS Iyengar.png

The Eight-Limbed Path of Yoga

Image excerpt from ‘Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” by B.K.S. Iyengar

This is the heart of the yogic path.

Still reading? Here are some assorted facts about me.

  • I meditate daily - essentially sitting or walking in silence and concentrating the mind on a single object. I started experimenting with meditation in 2014, and eventually found my way to the Theravadan Buddhist tradition in 2016. These teachings and practices are a core part of my life. I practice Buddhist observances as well, such as metta - metta means truly wishing for the happiness and well-being of yourself and others. The aim of all of these practices is to become more conscious of our choices in each moment, to overcome our “autopilot” tendencies, and ultimately take the most skillful choices we can.

  • I cook and bake very often. I believe happiness is homemade, and the food that you create in your own kitchen and share with your loved ones is very special. I practice mindful eating at least a couple times a week. My favorite things to bake are sourdough breads (esp. cinnamon raisin loaves), and coffeecakes.

  • I love all animals - dogs, cats, birds, horses, goats, etc. I have 1 dog named Kira! She is a Belgian Malinois. Her favorite things to do are go for walks, play tug, and do anything that I am doing.

Connect with me online! - IG @healthful.vanessa

Send me your questions about yoga. Show me your yoga practice. I love hearing from other practitioners

A few of my favorite asanas…

Prasarita Padottanasana with hands in Paschima Namaskar

Prasarita Padottanasana with hands in Paschima Namaskar

Ardha Chandrasana - Half Moon

Ardha Chandrasana - Half Moon

Ubaya Padangusthasana - Both Hands & Feet Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward-facing dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward-facing dog

Uttanasana - Extended Pose

Uttanasana - Extended Pose

Urdhva Dhanurasana - Upwards Bow

Urdhva Dhanurasana - Upwards Bow

Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana - Upward-facing dog

Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana - Upward-facing dog

Vrksasana - Tree

Vrksasana - Tree

Savasana - Corpse

Savasana - Corpse

Savasana with accoutrements

Savasana with accoutrements

Sirsasana - Headstand

Sirsasana - Headstand

Sukhasana - Auspicious Pose; great for sitting meditation

Sukhasana - Auspicious Pose; great for sitting meditation

Matsyangasana - Mermaid/Merman

Matsyangasana - Mermaid/Merman

Anantasana - Sleeping Vishnu

Anantasana - Sleeping Vishnu

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana - Extended Hand & Feet

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana - Extended Hand & Feet