Now Offering Personal Yoga Practice Program

I am happy to announce a new offering - a 4-week intensive program to create and develop your *personal* yoga practice.

It is comprised of weekly 1-on-1 lessons, over webcam (with me!), and a weekly custom-video to aid in daily practice. The video will be emailed the day after your lesson, with written reminders of what to practice during the week. You are welcome to message me throughout the week; I am here to support you.

I expect students to commit to all 4 weeks of the program including ~15 minutes of daily practice.

This is the first time I'm offering this sort of program, and will do so at a heavily discounted rate.

I will also be asking for feedback frequently, and permission to use results in a case-study (no personal information, of course).

What is a personal yoga practice?

  • It's the difference between following along with a yoga video, and *feeling* your body and choosing the movements you need today.

  • It's time you take for yourself each day to develop your body and mind, improving the connection between them using your breath.

  • It doesn't have to be strenuous, rather, it needs to be BALANCING for your body and mind at that moment of time.

The practice is based on a set of *core poses* - sitting poses, standing poses, supine poses, inverted poses, and so forth. Explicit practice of these core poses develops a foundational stability in our bodies, which will lead to continuous improvements in physical and mental postures.

If you are interested in joining, please message me via the “contact me” form.


Align Your Spine to Unlock Your Mind


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