Welcome to Healthful Yoga’s Website!

Hello world, my name is Vanessa. I have created this website for a couple reasons:

  1. To offer private yoga lessons - online via video livestream. These are 1 on 1 personalized yoga practice sessions, focused on your long-term goals and any needs that present themselves at that moment in time

  2. To share yoga teachings that benefit our daily lives - expect to read about these in my blog and watch/experience with me on YouTube. Topics range from how we sit and use a computer to how we prepare food in a mindful and nourishing fashion.

  3. To meet fellow yoga practitioners - please introduce yourself below, or send a hello on instagram @healthful.vanessa. Would love to discuss yoga beyond the asana we usually think of (asana means physical practice and postures). Topics like the Yamas and niyamas (moral conduct, personal disciplines), Pranayama (breath control and effect), reading Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

Thank you for reading this post. Hope to see you around the internet more often ;)



Now Offering Personal Yoga Practice Program